About TAL Holland
T.A.L. (“Tubi Acciaio Lombarda”) Holland B.V. was founded in 1999 and is an established name in the national and international piping materials supply. We are a stockholder and trader for the distribution business and a project supplier fulfilling material requirements from your first take off until project completion. T.A.L. Holland B.V. has been part of the Italian T.A.L. Group for more than 45 years as one of the leading European distributors of steel piping materials. We keep a continuous average stock of 65.000 tons on more than 200.000m2 of storage area! Feel free to download our company profile here!

Customer-oriented: Service at its best!
Our focus is on pursuing continuous high quality of our products and services whilst maintaining a competitive price. Only through substantial investments in our piping material portfolio, facilities, and staff we can give you the best service anytime, any place.
The certified quality system, account-oriented approach, technical skills, and training of our people guarantee an efficient and cost-effective response to your needs.
Rock Solid: Always ready to help you
We are your Rock Solid Steel Supplier: strong in European stock and deliveries. With our Italian roots, we have an eye for detail, technology and innovation, and we value interpersonal contact. We work daily to nurture our long-term relationships with customers and manufacturers. What’s more, we value good employment practices. They are essential for our success. Please get to know us and be convinced like hundreds of existing T.A.L. customers. Let’s meet!